Micro Volunteering (RSPB Scotland's Youth Network for Nature)

Opportunity image

The Youth Network for Nature is looking for young people in Scotland (12 – 18 yrs) who are keen to meet others interested in nature and wildlife, while also making a difference. The Network brings people together from all over the country to learn and have fun through monthly online meetings, as well as a range of other activities.

This is an opportunity to learn and be part of the UK’s biggest nature conservation charity. The nature crisis is urgent and we need your opinions and ideas! Through our monthly online meetings you will:

Learn about nature and wildlife from experts / Take action to protect and restore nature in Scotland / Gain new skills and find out more about careers in conservation / Be heard by those taking decisions about the future of Scotland’s environment and wildlife /

We believe that young voices are often missing from conservation and how it is delivered, so in between meetings we are often looking for ways young people can help us (often from home). But it’s all dependent on the time you have, and your interests. That’s why we call it ‘micro volunteering.’ Why not sign up and find out more?!

RSPB Scotland is committed to being fair, open, and inclusive. We've tried to make this network as accessible as possible and will accommodate individual needs to the best of our ability. If you require any further information, or if something is missing, please drop us an email at youth.scotland@rspb.org.uk and we’ll be happy to chat more.

After applying and (depending on your age) getting email consent from a parent/carer, we will arrange a quick chat to find out what kinds of things you’re interested in. Then you are good to go!